Freqs of Nature
Freqs of Nature

Sobre este festival

The Freqs of Nature crew is overwhelmed by all the positive vibes and blown away by the amount of energy, detail and creativity created by all of you.
It's once again been an emotional roller coaster ride into a mind expanding experience.

Our biggest THANK YOU and love is going out to all the crew, workers, volunteers and of cause artists who form and create this gathering with all it details!
But a festival is only as good as its crowd, so we are deeply thankful and grateful we've been honoured with the possibility to host such an amazing group of human beings

Its been a hell of a ride with all of you through inner and outer realities and dimensions and we can't wait to invite you for the next year edition.

As we try to experience the festival as much as possible from the view of a guest and are always open for productive criticism for us the time of reflection and progress is coming, so many more ideas and visions are to be materialised and so many details and things are to be develop further; to never stop the progress!

Last but not least we want to thank the villages and neighbours around us! We know we are not always the easiest neighbours to have and so we are even more grateful for all the positive energy and help we received!


¿Necesitas un lugar para alojarte durante el festival? Compara todas las ofertas de hoteles disponibles y Airbnbs aquí.
