Riez Open Air
Riez Open Air

Sobre este festival

The Riez Open Air is probably the tip of the rhyme lifestyle. Everything that happens in or around the Riez Rockbar throughout the year is always about the big baby - everyone is happy, everyone joins in, everyone is excited! And so it happens that the child has grown to a stately 1,000 visitors; it is also time to work - we do not want to do more. So you do not only meet old hands, but always meet new great boys and girls. The very idyllic location in tranquil Olkenbach somewhere between forests and meadows, the beer both riezer regulars, and Ersties taste. The latter, however, do not hold this status for long, because who once was here comes again. So, if you spend the weekend in fresh air with local beer and great people, you could almost forget the "real" sense of each festival - the music. To satisfy this not insignificant detail but something, the Riez Open Air attracts house numbers from punk rock to hardcore, which can easily compete with any "big" festival.


¿Necesitas un lugar para alojarte durante el festival? Compara todas las ofertas de hoteles disponibles y Airbnbs aquí.
